Presenting and Broadcast Journalism

Jack TV

Below is some snippets of my presenting for their monthly magazine night, Jack Comes Alive at Proud Galleries. I turn down Callum Best on Camera, check it out.

Below is are the 'out takes' of my interviews with Callum Best and David E Sugar at the August Jack Comes Alive live magazine night at Proud Galleries, Camden, London.

For the November issue of Who's Jack magazine I was fortunate enough to lend a presenting hand on the McFly photoshoot, which was geniously styled by Nessa in the form of 'Trainspotting'...

Documentary: Eddie Howe

The Eddie Howe Story is a 3 minute documentary about the rise of Bournemouth FC manager Eddie Howe. It was written, recorded and produced by myself and a small team of BAMMJs, (fellow students on my Multi-Media Journalism degree course), edited with Final Cut software. 

Interview: Imelda May

Not all songstresses describe fame as feeling like the Frankenstein in your personal horror film, but Imelda uses her own form of dirty words to bring her hip-swinging, hand-jiving rockabilly sound to your ears. I was lucky enough to intercept hoards of fans to grab a chat with the talented lady herself after her gig at the 02 academy, Bournemouth

Listen to the full interview here.

News: Florence Nightingales vase sold for £625,000

An 18th Century, Imperial, Chinese vase sold today for £625,000. The vase, thought to have been owned at one time by the family of Florence Nightingale sold for way above it’s estimate of £100,000. The vase was sold at Duke’s auction house in Dorchester.

I covered this story in my broadcasting lesson, and im pretty proud to admit the BBC and ITV arrived to cover it just after I left.